how to research your target audience in 3 days using AI

How to research your target audience in 3 days using AI.

The following is the most efficient system you’ll likely see in the next 3 years aimed at target audience research.

By following these steps, you will create a solid foundation from which to tailor your online messaging.

It is meant as a detailed study piece.

Define 3 Rough Avatars:

Who am I targeting?

Now, define these 3 rough avatars(people) based on interests(3), potential problems (3)they face, and potential desires(3)

I hope you’re writing.

Repeat this process for each avatar using a blank piece of paper and a pen.

You should end up with 3 avatars, each with 3 distinct interests, 3 distinct problems, and 3 distinct desires.

After defining these 3 avatars on paper it’s time to find them online.

Research Methods:

Use a combination of social media platforms(search for the avatar across, you guessed it, 3 different platforms), tools (e.g., Facebook Audience Insights), online forums(Reddit), or review sites to find real people who match your rough avatars.

Find and Study Individuals:

Find three people who match each avatar (9 in total).

Focus on their public profiles, posts, comments, and content they engage with.

Focus on:

  • Communication style
  • Engagement habits

Observation and Documentation:

For each individual, note:

1- How do they communicate? (Formal vs. informal language, emotional tone, frequency of engagement)

2- What types of content or messages engage them most? (Blog posts, social media updates, videos, etc.)

3- When and where do they engage? (Specific platforms, times of day, or types of content)

Analyze and Compare Findings:

Compare all nine profiles and identify common themes across problems, desires, and interests.

Look for trends in their behavior, communication style, and engagement patterns.

Time to DIP:

D – Find 3 common desires

I – Find 3 overlapping interests

P – Find 3 recurring problems

Synthesize Into One General Avatar:

Compile your findings into a detailed customer avatar that includes DIP.

Ensure this avatar reflects the majority of your target group’s characteristics and behaviors.

Test and Refine:

Create sample messaging based on your avatar and test it with real people in your target market.

Refine the avatar based on engagement data.

Read, Learn, Evolve

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One response to “How to research your target audience in 3 days using AI.”

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